Advocacy Resources

It has been said that if real estate is your profession, then politics is your business!

For more than a century, the Georgia REALTORS® have successfully advocated to protect private property rights, free enterprise, and the benefits of homeownership in Georgia. Our political advocacy efforts have allowed GAR to serve as the “voice of real estate” at the state Capitol on issues critical to the business of our members.

As one of the largest trade associations in the state and nation, the Georgia REALTORS’® greatest political strength is our active and engaged grassroots network. When there is an issue that the collective voice of REALTORS® supports or opposes, the Governmental Affairs Department enlists the engagement of our members to reinforce the sentiment to their legislators. The information located in this section is considered grassroots resources and we encourage members to take full advantage of the programs promoted.

Please use the menu to the left to access our various advocacy resources.