Georgia Housing Indicators Update

The Georgia Monthly Housing Indicators are comprised of three reports – Monthly Indicators, which give a statewide report on key metrics related to all housing; Housing Supply Overview, which looks at key metrics by price range, property type, and bedroom count; and Local Area Market Updates, which highlight key metrics at the county level and break up this information by property type.

Recent changes have been made to the Housing Supply Overview report. Housing price levels have been updated to reflect the gains seen in recent years, which gives us a more accurate snapshot of the current market. Below is a comparison of the former price levels versus the updated price levels.

2023 and Before (old)              2024 and Beyond (new)

$124,999 or less                      $199,000 or less
$125,000 – $199,999              $200,000 – $349,000
$200,000 – $299,000              $350,000 – $499,000
$300,000 and above                $500,000 and above

Housing Indicators are published on or around the 18th of each month via the FastStats portal, powered by ShowingTime. A summary of Monthly Indicators report is always included in the GAR Bulletin, which is sent to all GAR members, affiliates, and staff around the 20th of each month. Additionally, a summary of the Monthly Indicators and Housing Supply Overview is published on around the 20th of each month.

Housing Indicators are offered as an exclusive member benefit to all Georgia REALTORS® free of charge. For more  information, or to access the portal, members can click here (link is password protected).