AGENT ALERT: Scammers Impersonating Property Owners

Please be aware of fraudulent activity that has taken place along coastal Georgia. An individual who is impersonating property owners is contacting agents by phone and email, which has reportedly resulted in fraudulent MLS listings, cash offers made by innocent buyers, and very upset property owners. The fraudulent listings have been removed from the local MLS. The individual has called from a New York phone number and has done extensive research of the property owners. For both reported incidents, they caller mentions that they are undergoing cancer treatments/surgery. Both incidents involved land lots on St. Simons Island.

A notice was sent to local agents and affiliates with the details above and suggested that they request Identification from potential sellers. The MLS immediately heard back from two more agents that they believe they have been contacted by this person.

While these incidents have occurred along the coast, we wanted to make all Georgia REALTORS aware of them, as the scammer could start reaching out to agents in other areas of the state.

 Click here to read a memo from the U.S. Secret Service regarding this ongoing scheme.