Speaker Proposals

Thank you for your interest in becoming a speaker for one of our conferences.

Below is the information you will need to submit your proposal.

Organizational Profile

Chartered in 1920, the Georgia REALTORS® is the largest trade association in the state, with more than 42,000 members statewide. One of the many member services offered by the association is the education provided at our Inaugural  Conference and our Annual Conference & Expo.


Attendees are REALTORS®, including real estate salespersons, brokers, owners and managers. Most focus on residential real estate, but some are specialists who concentrate on other areas of real estate such as appraisal, commercial, international, land, resort and/or relocation.

Education Focus

Educational classes should be 1.5 hours in length. They will be offered to the members throughout our conferences. We do our best to offer members a wide variety of course topics tailored to the real estate practitioner’s interests. Speaker considerations will be based on the ability to deliver a qualifying course that is relevant to one of these topics. Class size may vary from 25 to 150 attendees.

Budget / Speaker Fee Criteria

Although the speaker should include the fee, the speaker compensation will be negotiated with the speaker or the speaker’s designee at the time the speaker is contacted. Speaker fees are inclusive of all expenses as the association does not compensate or reimburse separately for travel and meals. The association will place the speaker’s hotel reservation at the Conference hotel for one night’s lodging and the room charge will be placed on the association’s master bill. Additional nights may be covered depending on travel availability and course scheduling. Additional nights must be authorized by the Georgia Association of REALTORS® in advance of the stay in order to be covered. The association will not pay for incidental expenses or fees for Internet or phone calls.

Speaker Promotion

Georgia REALTORS® encourages speakers to promote the event on the speaker’s website(s) and/or speaker bureau’s website(s), in press releases and through any other means of advertising the speaker deems appropriate. The association will grant permission to photograph while at the event, including the speaker, attendees and the members of staff who may be present. The association will give permission for the speaker to use these photographs in, but not limited to, various marketing pieces such as websites, brochures, flyers, press releases and published articles. All of the speaker’s materials are copyrighted. Except as needed for attendee handouts, the Georgia Association of REALTORS® agrees not to reproduce or use any materials without the express written permission of the speaker. Written permission will be obtained from the speaker to use excerpts, articles and other printed information in the Georgia Association of REALTORS® e-newsletter, website, press releases, fliers and other print media.


All documents for attendee distribution must be received four weeks prior to the start of our conference. Each speaker is limited to six to eight impressions (three to four pages, front and back) for printed handouts at Conference. Permission from the publisher must be included with document submissions. The Georgia Association of REALTORS® reserves the right to approve session materials. PowerPoint slides and additional course materials will be offered electronically to attendees before and after Conference through our conference portal. Materials will be made available for individual use only and will not be granted reproduction or copying options unless permitted by the speaker.

Qualifications for GREC Approval / Georgia CE Credit

Courses should qualify for Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) credit according to Section 520-2-.04 Real Estate Courses of GREC Rules. All submissions for Georgia CE credit will be requested by the Georgia Association of REALTORS®, at our cost, under our school number. Speaker permission to submit course descriptions for approval by GREC for Georgia CE approval must accompany the contract agreement at the time of execution. GREC prohibits personal promotion during course instruction time. During the last five minutes of the program, the speaker will be allowed to mention books, tapes or DVDs they have authored. The association allows the sale of approved materials after the conclusion of the class so long as it doesn’t interfere with the next class.

Submission Packets

Submission packets should include:

  • Speaker(s) bio
  • Proposed topic(s)
  • Description of presentation – (This will be used in the conference publications if chosen. Limit to one succinct paragraph, 50-75 words.)
  • A detailed outline of the subject matter to be delivered
  • Audio/Visual needs – A LCD projector, screen, and microphone will be provided in all session rooms. If any other special equipment is required for the presentation, this information must be included.
  • Proposed speaker fee
  • Video of speaker presentation