Georgia REALTOR® Magazine Distribution Changes Coming in 2024

Starting with the Spring 2024 issue next February, the default distribution for Georgia REALTOR® magazine will be electronic, instead of printed, as it is now. In each month that the magazine is published (February, May, August, November), all GAR members for whom we have a current email address will receive an email with a link to the magazine.

However, if you would still like to receive a printed issue, you still can, but you must opt in. To opt in now, so that you never miss an issue, follow the steps below:

  • Sign into your profile at the RAMCO member portal:
  • Click Update Your Profile
  • Please make sure that all of your information is correct
  • On the next page on the left, there will be a “Covid Release and Magazine Opt-In” section.
  • Click that link, answer the two questions, and you are all set!

Remember, no further action is needed if you wish to receive the magazine electronically. If you wish to opt back in for receiving the printed version at any time, follow the directions above and indicate your preference for the printed version.